Silver Ra Baker describes the Symbolism in his art piece, “Sweet Medicine Alignment” as follows,
“The Mayan symbol, in the center,
is called the Hunan Ku which translated means “All Life Beyond our Sun”
and the Feathered Wing Serpent Dragons
which are Teachers of the Light on each side.
The Four Macaws represent Sweet Medicine Animals.
The Animals Provide Blessings of Receptivity and Openness.
The Alignment is Through the Hunub Ku
Up into the Space betweenPleiades on the Right and Sirius on the Left.
To the Right of the Rays is the Benevolent Moon.
What about this symbol spoke to me?
I was born in the Chinese Year of the Dragon and am a Water Dragon. So having these winged serpent dragons as Teachers of the Light in my healing room felt like a big blessing.
My late mother raised Red Macaws and to learn that they represent Sweet Medicineand offer blessings of Receptivity & Openness for me and my clients was so heart warming and reminiscent of my mother’s healing ways!
And the Hunub Ku spoke to me of a Key or Portal or Gateway and I wished for that energy of opening to the life within us, beyond our limited knowing, that offers the possibility of deep healing for the people who chose to work with me.
I am so grateful to Siver Ra Backer for creating such a beautiful, powerful image of symbols that speck so directly to my soul.
Kachina Abeita
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