40% OFF SALE at Wisdom of the Earth
January 24-26, 2025
Welcome to the Wisdom of the Earth January promotion!! Our theme this month is Cozy Up to Winter Wellness. This time of year we especially need to support our respiratory system and our immune system. The products in this promotion were chosen for their healing properties in these areas…so we are excited to offer these to you in the midst of cold and flu season.
Contact me at kca@kachinaabeita.com between now and Sunday morning, January 26th so I can place your order. Thanks, Kachina Abeita

Eucalyptus True (Eucalyptus radiata)
Though most renowned for its respiratory properties (decongestant, relieves coughs and colds), Eucalyptus has other powerful abilities, as well. Its analgesic properties make it helpful for sore muscles and arthritic joints. Great layered with our Red Pine, which is also featured in this promotion.
Eucalyptus, True also has broad-spectrum anti-microbial action, making it effective against fungi, bacteria and viruses. Great for the immune system as well…3-5 drops on the sole of each foot is a great way to start the day or end the evening.
Eucalyptus has a rich history in Australia, from which it hails. The indigenous Australians used eucalyptus leaves for thousands of years for their antiseptic qualities and in steam baths for respiratory conditions. The trees were revered in their ancient culture as symbols of healing and endurance.
Regular price: 15 ml $29; 120 ml $203

Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium)
One of the best in the aromatherapy arsenal for migraines, research has shown that the active compound parthenolide helps to reduce the frequency and severity of migraine attacks.
Like its common name suggests, this oil will also help to relieve/reduce fevers. In fact, Feverfew comes from the Latin word “febrifugia”, meaning “fever reducer”, reflecting its traditional use in ancient Greece and Rome. I love that the use of aromatherapy carries on these ancient practices, which have stood the test of time.
Feverfew is also anti-inflammatory, an anti-oxidant and supports the digestive process.
Regular Price: 15 ml $40; 120 ml $280

Helichrysum is truly a Queen of Aromatherapy. Her powerful healing properties include anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, anti-oxidant and cholesterol balancing. Helichrysum is highly prized for providing respiratory and allergy relief, and is a wonderful wound cleaner and healer, reducing scarring as well. She is a powerful addition to any skin regimen, and helps to prevent and reduce wrinkles
Helichrysum is a “go to” for just about any ailment due to her wide-spectrum effects. Though she is one of the more expensive oils in aromatherapy, a little goes a long way, and the results are worth it.
The name Helichrysum (pronounced hel-li-chri-zum) comes from the Greek word “helios” – sun, and “chrysos” – gold, referring to its small golden-yellow flowers.
In the Mediterranean, Helichrysum was believed to have protective powers…acting as a shield…against negative energies, and was used in traditional ceremonies and rituals. In ancient Greece, the flowers were used to symbolize the eternal nature of love, and were often part of wedding celebrations.
Regular Price: 5 ml $75; 15 ml $195; 120 ml $1,365

Marjoram cineole (Thymus mastichinal)
Also Known as Spanish Marjorma, this beautiful essential oil is excellent for alleviating pain due to inflammation, muscle fatigue and headaches. She would be excellent paired with Feverfew for the latter purpose. Marjoram is excellent for tight muscles (attention, massage therapists…marjoram literally “melts” tight shoulder muscles when layered with a Lavender or conifer like Red Pine), and is anti-spasmodic.
Marjoram is anti-viral, great for the immune system, and supports healthy blood pressure and circulation. She is warming to the human body and helps to prevent colds and flu.
In ancient Egypt, Marjoram was dedicated to Osiris, the god of the underworld, and was used during funeral ceremonies. Ancient naturalists like Pliny the Elder used marjoram to address nervous system disorders and digestive issues.
Regular Price: 15 ml $33; 120 ml $231

Myrtle Cineoliferum (Myrtus communis cineoliferum)
This Myrtle has strong anti-microbial properties, making it highly effective against bacteria, fungi and viruses. Thus she is an excellent addition to our anti-viral choices. She is also highly anti-inflammatory, so she is helpful with skin irritations and arthritic joints.
Her decongestant ability makes her a natural for diffusing or using in a steam inhalation when respiratory “bugs” are going around.
Research has shown her to be helpful for balancing thyroid function, and she helps to support the adrenals, as well. That is a great morning ritual…applying Myrtle cineoliferum, and a Cedarwood, if you have one…over your adrenals to start the day with energy and focus.
Regular Price: 15 ml $37; 120 ml $259

Orange, Blood Red (Belize)Citrus sinensis
This vibrant, beautiful essential oil is high in antioxidants that help to fight free radicals and boost the immune system. Since it is a citrus, it can be skin sensitive, so, if you have not used this oil before, it is best to do a test patch on the inside of your wrist before applying it elsewhere for the first time. You can also apply safely to the soles of the feet, and still get the benefit you are looking for.
It is an excellent mood booster…it brightens even the darkest or most worrisome situation, helping you to move forward with determination and clarity. Blood Orange can also help to relieve respiratory issues like colds and congestion. You can layer it over the Eucalyptus, True, or a conifer like the Pine, Red.
Blood Orange from Belize is fabulous in a diffuser for both immune system and respiratory support; because it is also so anti-bacterial and anti-viral (as indicated in NIH research), it is great to diffuse in the room of a sick family member or patients in a group setting. Her upbeat nature supports recovery and positive thinking, as well.
Spiritually, Blood Orange is often used to stimulate the sacral chakra, which is associated with passion and emotional balance. It can help one connect more deeply with one’s emotions and enhance creativity.
Regular Price: 15 ml $22; 120 ml $154

Pine, Red (Pinus resinosa)
This beautiful oil is exceptionally good for pain relief…muscles, joints…and also pain held in the heart. Research on Pine oil generally indicates positive results in purifying the air, so a diffuser is a great way to use this oil, especially when there is a lot of pollen or smoke in the air. Red Pine is highly anti-inflammatory, making it a good choice for arthritis or skin irritations. It can also be used to address skin conditions like acne, eczema due to its astringent properties.
All tree essences are very grounding and centering, and Red Pine is no exception. This oil offers a great way to induce calm and mental clarity without having a sedating effect.
Spiritually, Red Pine can help to establish a deeper connection to the natural world, and also conveys a sense of peace and harmony. In ancient times, pine trees were symbols of resilience, longevity and abundance. Images of these trees are often found on family coats of arms or in cultural celebrations, including Christmas. In some spiritual practices, pine tees represent protection, purification and eternal life.
Regular Price: 5 ml $19; 15 ml $48; 120 ml $336

Zanthoxylum (Zanthoxylum armatym, DC)
This is another oil rarely offered in the US, as our farmer in Nepal is the one who enlightened us about her! The name comes from the Greek phrase ‘xanthon xylon’, which means ‘yellow wood’.
There is some excellent recent research on this oil in the South African Journal of Botany, which extols the history and current benefits of this plant. Here is a quote from this research: Zanthoxylum, commonly known as “Timur or Toothache tree” is a high-value medicinal plant known for its aromatic, cultural, and economic significance (Hui et al., 2020). The species has several ethnobotanical uses such as the treatment of toothache, fever, indigestion, cholera, headache, abdominal pain, rheumatism, skin diseases, diabetes and asthma… Active constituents and bioactive extracts of the species are known to exhibit antifungal, antioxidant, hepato-protective, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, antiviral/antiprotozoal and larvicidal activities
Critics of essential oils and plant medicine often claim that there is little research on their medicinal benefits, however other countries are aggressively investigating the benefits of these plants for health, food preservation and other important uses. Fortunately, we are aware of their medicinal effectiveness, and are able to use them for health and wellness.
Regular Price: 15 ml $30; 120ml $211

Black Cumin
If Helichrysum is a Queen of aromatherapy, Black Cumin is surely a King. I know of nothing better to support the immune system than this black seed oil which has been used for centuries in various cultures, including Egypt, India, Africa and the Middle East.
It is wise to keep a bottle at your office or at home to sip from throughout the day, if you feel like you’re coming down with something, or of those around you are coughing or sneezing. Otherwise, one good sip each morning to start the day. Just be aware that many people do find it energizing, so it is best not to take it before bedtime.
Black Cumin’s considerable benefits include its anti-inflammatory action and its highly anti-viral property. Many use it for skin health…acne, eczema, and other skin conditions. Black Cumin promotes hair growth and helps treat scalp conditions like dandruff. It also serves in a protective or preventive capacity, both as an anti-oxidant, protecting the cells from damage, as well as to keep one from “catching” whatever is going around at the moment.
We have often shared the quote attributed to the Prophet Muhammad, who said “In black seed, there is a healing for every disease except death.” And various reports indicate that Black Cumin seeds were found in the tomb of King Tutankhamun.
Be advised that some references recommend against using Black Cumin if you are on blood thinning medication.
Regular Price: 15 ml $28; 120 ml (4 oz) $196; 500 ml $698
Please Note:Nut and Seed oils like Black Cumin do not have as long a shelf-life as essential oils, so please store them away from extreme heat or cold.

Grindelia (Grindelia squarrosa)
Grindelia, also known as Gumweed, Hydrolat is known for its wound healing and anti-inflammatory properties, which make it effective for soothing skin irritations such as acne, eczema and psoriasis, and for cleaning small wounds and supporting their healing.
Grindelia Hydrolat is anti-bacterial, so spraying a room or office between guests/clients would help to prevent the spread of germs. According to Old Ways Wisdom, Grindelia is also a good antidote for poison ivy exposure. Good to know once summer comes!
Some Native American cultures used Grindelia in spiritual practices for calling forth protection and healing. In modern times, she is known for emotional calming and stress reduction . For meditators ,she can create a calm and focused environment conducive to deeper connection to your higher self.
Regular Price: 120 ml (4 oz) $33; 500ml $130
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