As an extreme heatwave circles the globe it is no surprise that Fire is the element of summer. Beyond the blazing above 100º temperatures we are having now, looking to Chinese medicine, the fire element represents the season of action and the activities of the heart (circulation, joy, love, desire) and small intestines (acting with clarity of what is pure or true from the impure or untrue, what to assimilate and what to let go of). Mental activity called Shen, is associated with the heart and includes thought processes, memory, consciousness, sleep and emotional well-being. These mental activities all rely on the ability to make clear judgment, which is governed by the Small Intestine.
And in the world of plant medicine the flowering tops in the Lamiaceae family have an abundance of gifts for us as we balance between our choices of energy extending and energy conserving summer activities.
When the heat of this fire element is too strong Mints are the members of this family that can ease the build up of heat in our bodies as they are refreshing, uplifting and clarifying. Any one of these devas, Peppermint, Spearmint, Cornmint or Muna applied to the souls of our feet, nape of the neck, crown of the head or crook of the elbow instantly cools us down.
But thinking of Summer as a time of abundance, action & growth then the transformational aspect of Fire is associated with getting to the truth of what is important, what to put our energy into, where to apply our will to fulfill our desires. We certainly want to harness this energy with clarity for getting things done and for creating more joy in our lives.
Let’s consider how 3 of the flowering tops from the Lamiaceae family help you do that. Thyme Linolool, Lavandin Grosso and Hyssop will support you in getting clear with what you want & what actions you want to fuel. Let’s learn how they can also aid with symptoms of an unbalanced fire element which include heartburn, insomnia, agitation, nervousness, digestive upset, rashes and palpitations.
Thyme Linolool is a very gentle herb with fluffy soft white flowering tops. She offers the extreme energy of thyme without the fire. She gently helps us get unstuck, unblocked, releasing stagnation or trauma patterns. By understanding our subtleties she meets us at our own pace for transformation. Her message is, the universe is on your side. She’s here to help dissolve the myth of a punishing god.
Her chemistry includes the gentleness of Linolool and the killer energy of Thymol, as in a killer of micro-organisms. She is super anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-parasitic, anti-viral, dissolver of mucus, anti-arthritic. Very good for calming muscle spasms including hiccups & cramps. Calms a gaseous belly. Thyme Linolool is known to alleviate respiratory distress ( can be used in a steam inhalation) and strengthen the immune system. She can stimulate the brain when used with a Rosemary. But is also the only Thyme that is calming for sleep.
(From Wisdom of the Earth, Thyme Linolool is: Anti-viral/fungal/parasite. Used for skin/scalp infections and issues (impetigo, psoriasis, warts), staph/strep, psoriasis, fear, and claustrophobia. Immune support. Nervine. Gentle.)
Lavandin Grosso is a natural hybrid offspring of Lavandula angustifolia & Lavender Spike. Generally, all lavenders and lavandins carry the Violet Flame vibration and encourage self love & self worth. Lavandin Grosso softens our edges if we feel defensive and a need to prove ourselves. She is vital for people pleasers or those who feel unappreciated. She settles us into our hearts to gather those parts that have been left behind and teaches us to suffer less. She has the capacity to aid us in releasing intergenerational pain and trauma.
Her chemistry is high in camphor making her more stimulating than the Lavenders. So it is better to apply her in the morning and not at night. The energetic aspect of expansion is beneficial for our respiratory system which is stressed by the extreme levels of heat and humidity in the air we breathe. Use Lavandin Grosso when you feel depleted. She is also a clearing agent and a strong pain reliever so is helpful for headaches.
(From Wisdom of the Earth, Lavandin Grosso is: Anti-viral/fungal/bacterial/septic. Releases your anxiety, fears, and pain. Used for colds, burns, bruises, insomnia, sciatica, ear nose, and throat harmony. Uplifts the spirit and makes us aware of the many levels of divine love.)
Hyssop is a holy herb, a spiritual plant used to connect with the Divine within us. Considered by some as the High Priestess of aromatherapy she is also known to aid us in our forgiveness work. She brings us back to balance when our emotions get overwhelming. Hyssop says, “I am centered within the chaos”.
Her chemistry is high in mono-terpenes indicating the capacity to repair our DNA. And high in ketones enabling her to address issues in the emotional body.
Hyssop is anti-microbial, highly anti-viral, stimulates circulation. Apply to the sternum over your heart for blood pressure or emotional issues. Layer with a Basil to reduce coughing.
(From Wisdom of the Earth, Hyssop is: Anti-viral, expectorant. Used for asthma, bronchitis, HIV, Herpes 1 & 2, Hepatitis A, B, C, anti-cancer, flu, cardiac, and blood purifier. Supports adrenals and balances mood swings. Cleanses emotions of angst, anger, grief, and shame. The Queen of Forgiveness, for ourselves and others. Emotionally and spiritually, helps us let go of our old stories so that we can write new ones. Connect to the Violet Flame.)
Layer all 3 on your belly to enhance the digestive (fire) or on the heart to relieve issues of heaviness or life’s pressures emotionally or physically.
Or take a drop of one single essence at a time on your palm, gently rub your hands together and slowly inhale. You will experience their chemistry directly in your body. Ask them for what you need.
If you are new to this trust that with practice, a quiet mind and attention to yourself you’ll sense your body’s response. If you choose to work with one or all of these plant friends this summer contact me to order them for you. They will teach you of their gifts and find ways to express their healing in you for balance and ease. Just ask.
In loving gratitude to my teachers, Siddiqa Salter and John Odom for the gift of their knowledge and wisdom teachings that I am passing on to you.